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Sid Green

Sid Green

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From Which Religious Sect Did Jesus Emerge? (2001)

We know from the first-century Jewish historian Josephus that three main sects dominated first-century Palestine: the Sadducees, Pharisees, and Essenes. Green asks the question "from which did Jesus emerge?"--and takes us on a fascinating tour of the evidence.

Hidden History in the Book of Acts (2003)

Through the many tantalising clues left in Acts itself, and with our knowledge of Josephus' testimony as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Damascus Document, we have enough evidence to prise open the received understanding of Christian origins and allow some new light to fall on the subject.

Published on the Secular Web

Kiosk Article

From Which Religious Sect Did Jesus Emerge?

We know from the first-century Jewish historian Josephus that three main sects dominated first-century Palestine: the Sadducees, Pharisees, and Essenes. Green asks the question "from which did Jesus emerge?" and takes us on a fascinating tour of the evidence.